by danelljones | Aug 19, 2018 | The Latest
Krios of Sierra Leone As I prepare for the American launch of An African in Imperial London, I am taking a minute to reflect back on the process of writing and to introduce you to a few incredible people I met along the way. Many, many gifts came my way during the...
by danelljones | Jul 12, 2018 | The Latest
Virginia Woolf spent ten years working on her first novel. After discarding several other titles, she ultimately called it The Voyage Out: a story of leaving home, of voyaging out into the world, of discovering oneself. Today I am contemplating The Voyage In: the...
by danelljones | Jul 7, 2018 | The Latest
Once the talks have been given, the books signed, and the pictures taken, it is time to get back to the thing I truly love–researching and writing. Today we are back at the British Library. Anyone can come to the Library and enjoy seeing items from its...
by danelljones | Jul 6, 2018 | The Latest
Well, you must be thinking, we haven’t heard from Danell in a few days. She must be having a grand time on her book tour, living the glamorous life of a writer—being whisked from party to party, rubbing shoulders with dignitaries, drinking so many champagne toasts...
by danelljones | Jul 2, 2018 | The Latest
I was wrong. I thought that reading from my book to an enthusiastic audience at the British Library would the pinnacle of my literary life. We are talking the British Library. Home of 150 million items, including the Magna Carta, Da Vinci’s notebooks, even the...