Brit(ish) in Imperial London

October is Black History Month in the U.K. A time to reflect on the role people of African descent have played in the making of a great nation. But it is also time to consider the struggles of black people. If my research on A.B.C. Merriman-Labor has taught me...

Merriman-Labor in Montana–First Stop Billings

One month ago, I wondered what Montanans would think of the story of A.B.C.Merriman-Labor. After travelling nearly 800 miles, I have my answer. They loved it. Montana officially met A.B.C. Merriman-Labor at official U.S. launch party for the book at the Billings...

An African in Imperial London comes to Montana!

The butter is softening on the counter for the cupcakes. Ditto for the cream cheese for the cucumber sandwiches. In about an hour, I will be elbow-deep in flour. It’s happening. And I couldn’t be more excited! Today is the launch of An African in Imperial...

21 Days in the UK — The Voyage In

Virginia Woolf spent ten years working on her first novel. After discarding several other titles, she ultimately called it The Voyage Out: a story of leaving home, of voyaging out into the world, of discovering oneself. Today I am contemplating The Voyage In: the...